Expert Electric Trike Selections: Top 3 E-Trikes After Trying 30 - The Ultimate Electric Tricycle Picks (2025)



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Dustin Gyger

Updated On: October 18, 2023

I've tried 30 different eTrikes and here are my picks. Stick around to see them.

Hey, everyone. I'm Dustin. I have nearly 20 years of experience in the bike and eBike industry, and today, I'm going to show you three eTrikes that are my picks. I've tried 30 different eTrikes to narrow it down to these three, and I'm going to show you each of them in detail.

Before I do though, hit that subscribe button below. Stay in touch with us here at SixThreeZero. Be the first to know about all the new content we're putting out, giveaways we do, and of course, new product releases.

All right. I've ridden tons of eTrikes and I've gotten a feel for what's out there. I've narrowed it down to these three for three different riding purposes. Before I get into it though, I want to preface that all three of these are going to be linked in the description below if you want to check them out. There's also going to be a link in the upper right-hand corner of the video that you can click, should be popping up about now. And at the end of the video, there will be a link to also shop these eTrikes.

Okay, now before I get into it... Not before, let's get right into it. I've got three very different eTrikes here, and what I've noticed with a lot of companies is they come out with one eTrike and they think it's a one-size-fits-all scenario. It is not, by any means.

eTrikes can be developed in so many different ways, from the tire size, the foldability, having a seat on the back, also having a cruiser-type look, good for just around-town riding. I've narrowed it down to these three, and I want to walk you through the details of them.

Let's start here with our most compact, foldable electric trike. This is the SixThreeZero Easy Transit Folding Trike. What makes this unique is the 16-inch tires that you are not going to find on any other electric tricycle on the market.

Now, the benefit of this size tire is the maneuverability of this eTrike. It turns on a dime, it's very easy to steer. You can go in tight spaces, and tight corners, which is why this trike is great for indoor/outdoor usage. If you want to take this into an office building, a shopping center, outdoor shopping centers... And we've done it before.

Now, you can check out tons of other videos on our YouTube channel for all three of these trikes, actually, including this one. We took it into an elevator and backed it out of an elevator to show you how maneuverable it is. We also took it into a major department store and shopped around with it and it maneuvered through the aisles with ease. And that's really because of these small, 16-inch tires that make it very, very easy to turn.

The other benefit of it is the low step-over height. If mounting and dismounting is an issue for you or you want a very low, easy-to-mount setup, this is a great option. You can see you just step through like so, slide back on, and now you're on and ready to ride.

Now, by looking at it, you probably can also see how comfortable this electric tricycle is. I'm sitting perfectly upright and the bars are coming into my body because of this ape-hanger style here. You can raise and lower the handlebars here with ease as well with this quick release, so if you want it higher or lower. You can also tilt the bars up here with an Allen key if you want to bring them closer to your body or further away from your body. Very, very simple adjustment to make sure you have a nice ergonomic riding position to reduce pain in your body while riding.

All right. Now moving up here, these mirrors don't come with the eTrike, I'd like to preface that, we put these as an add-on. But there is space if you do want to add mirrors. Now, right here you have seven speeds. All three of these eTrikes have seven gears. It's great if you just want to ride without using the electricity. Also, when you get it into pedal assist, it's nice to have these different gear options so you can match up the cadence of your pedaling with the output of the pedal assist motor. It's a nice feature.

You can see our two-hand brakes up here. We've got disc brakes in the front and the rear, which is going to make for really powerful stopping, which is a great safety feature so you don't have to worry about being able to stop at any point with the disc brakes.

All right. Now, the electronics, here, let's get into it. Right here, you're going to push on your motor in this middle button, and you can see the screen is going to turn on. Now, right here, you can see your miles per hour, your battery level, your pedal assist, and your odometer. Right here is where you increase or decrease your pedal assist level.

And right here, you have a throttle. So you can use your thumb here. The cool thing is that you don't want to pedal at all, you can use that throttle to make the bike move. What's great about that is if you are going to be using this in tight spaces or indoors, having the throttle to navigate makes it much easier than using the pedal assist or pedaling. You can have more control, and lower speeds, a great feature. And if you want to see somebody doing that, again, there's another video on our YouTube channel where you can check that out or check out the playlist for the Easy Transit Foldable eTrike on our channel as well.

In addition to that, you have the reverse on this eTrike as well. There's a little button here, you can flip that, and now you're in reverse mode. Again, if you're going into elevators or tight spaces and you want to reverse out of it, awesome feature to have and you can see that in action in one of our other videos as well.

All right. Now, getting off here. Let's see. Moving to the back, we've of course got our front and rear baskets. The motor is a 750-watt front hub motor and the battery's 10.4 amp-hour battery. Riders up to 350 pounds, this is going to power you up hills, hard-pack trails, and pavement.

My recommendation for this folding eTrike is zero to five miles. With the smaller tires, it's good for short trips, more close quarters, and navigating and things like that. Not to say you can't take this out to trails and paths and things like that, but I think some of these other trikes would do a little bit better in those situations. But we do have videos of us taking this on trails, taking it out so you can see those as well.

With a 10.4 amp-hour battery, you're going to get up to 50 miles. That's going to depend on the weight of the rider. It's also going to depend on what level of pedal assist you're using and how frequently you're also using the throttle. Those two elements, the throttle, is going to drain the battery quicker. And if you're running in pedal assist five, you're going to drain the battery quite quickly as well. The range is not a predetermined number, it's determined by the usage or how the bike is being used.

The one feature I have not mentioned yet is the foldability of this. If you're interested in transporting your eTrike with you, taking it on camping trips, or just taking it to paths that you can't ride to or get to, you can fit this inside of a hatchback, an SUV, or a camper. Possibly some sedans as well, we haven't tried that. But we do have a video taking it into a hatchback and it fits quite easily.

And you would just unfold right here, remove your lock, move your latch right here, and then the bike breaks in half. Folds in half, I should say. It doesn't break in half. And then you would just push that back. Now, we can unfold that even more. If you want to see more details about the folding, again, check out the YouTube channel. And the handlebars will fold down right here as well, like so. Okay. And you'll go ahead and lock that up.

One other cool feature is it's a smaller fork, but you do have a suspension fork in front here, so it's going to absorb a little bit more of the shocks and bumps and bruises as you go over different terrain. That's a nice feature, especially if you're going over a lot of curbs or bumpy terrain, wherever it may be.

A great option for indoor/outdoor eTrike. A great option if you want a very low step-over and a great option for under-five-mile rides. I love the SixThreeZero foldable Easy Transit eTrike.

All right. Now working our way down here to the EvryJourney eTrike. This is a great cruising trike. This is a 250-watt front hub motor with a 10.4 amp-hour battery. A little less powerful front hub motor, but you're going to save a little bit on the price compared to the Easy Transit foldable, and it's great for cruising flat-ground trail riding.

If you want to go 5, 10, or 15 miles, I love this option because you're going to be in a nice, ergonomic riding position with your back upright. It's super comfortable. And the 250 watts is still going to take you up to 15 miles an hour. And you still have all the same benefits. You have your display up here, you have your throttle. Go ahead and turn this on. So right here, you also have a throttle. You also have five levels of pedal assist. You have your miles per hour, and your battery life, everything's the same.

If you are a heavier individual over 200 pounds and you're doing a lot of hills, this is not going to be the best option for you. It's not going to give you that power to get up hills. But if you're over 200 pounds and you're doing flat-ground riding, I'm 225, this is still going to be enough power for you even to use the throttle, and you can cruise around and it gives you more than enough power. We have lots of videos of this eTrike of different riders riding it in different circumstances.

You've got 26-inch tires on this eTrike, which is why it rolls a little smoother, rolls a little better. That's why it's better for longer distances. It's just meant to be going on longer rides because you're going to get more efficiency out of the bigger wheel. You've got a big rear cargo space here to bring things with you.

You've got a different braking system than the Easy Transit. You have a front caliper handbrake, a rear drum brake and more than enough stopping power for this power of eTrike. Again, less expensive than the foldable eTrike, but still great. Great for cruising neighborhoods, communities, you name it. I love this eTrike for that.

All right. Now let's move on to our final eTrike that I've put into my recommendation bucket. This is the EvryJourney Electric Rickshaw from SixThreeZero. This is not just a rickshaw, you can remove this seat back here and put a basket on if you so choose. One of our trikes is going away from us. You can put a basket on there if you so choose, but it comes with a seat on the back, which is a fun option because if you want to bring some passengers with you, up to three kids, two adults, or up to 300 pounds, this is the seat you can do it in. You've got a nifty little seatbelt here, so you can go ahead and buckle them in. You've got a step up here which makes it easy for passengers to get on and off.

And if you can see down here, you have a basket underneath as well. And you can go ahead and open that, take things with you on your rides. Again, you can remove all of this if you so choose and replace it with a basket which is sold separately on the SixThreeZero website.

Let's get into the motor of this. This is a 750-watt front hub motor with a 21 amp-hour battery. This thing can go up to 20 miles an hour. You can get up to 600 pounds of load. You may not be able to do throttle only with that level of load, but you can use the pedal assist. You also have the seven speeds. If you want to use the gears while you're doing pedal assist or if you're not doing pedal assist, you can use those as well. There is a display that turns on. Battery life, assistance level, miles per hour, outside temperature, and your running clock on your riding time.

Another cool feature is we do have a parking break up here. So you can actually pull the brake in, put your lever down, and now your brake is engaged so the bike won't roll away. This is your throttle right here on the right thumb. You can use that if you don't want to use the pedal assist. You can use that to power your riders and bring them with you so you don't have to use your output if you so choose. That's cool. We'll go ahead and turn that off. And we have a horn here. You can go ahead and ring that as well.

Two other cool features. One is these four-inch-wide tires. This is what makes this ideal for hard-pack trail or off-road riding. Also is going to create a more stable ride, a more cushioned ride. And you can see how the tread on these is good for all sorts of terrains.

The rear two wheels here are 20-inch, which is nice. It sets the bike lower in the back. And the front wheels are 24-inch. So again, sat lower in the back to create a more stable, safe ride.

The beauty is, if you don't want passengers, you can either leave the seat on or off and you can use this as an individual. If you're a rider over 300 pounds and you need 750 watts of power, this is a great option. It can get you up hills, it can take you on trails, you name it, this one's going to get you where you need to go, I guarantee it.

All right. You have the front suspension fork I mentioned. You got your battery right here, up to 50 miles of riding. Again, dependent on whether you use pedal-assist or throttle. This is a great trike if you want to bring passengers or you just want a bigger, more powerful trike for yourself. I love the rickshaw.

All right. That's it. These are my top three picks out of the 30 electric trikes that I've ridden. All three are for different purposes, but all three great eTrikes are for different reasons and different use cases.

Don't forget that all three are linked in the description below. And if you have any other questions or comments, please drop them below or email us, at or call us at (310) 982-2877.

In addition to that, we have a 30-day test ride on your eTrike policy. If you don't love it in 30 days, send it back, no questions asked, no money out of your pocket.

And lastly, we're going to warranty everything here for a year. If anything goes wrong in the first year, we're going to make sure we send you the parts or labor to keep you up and riding.

Lastly, join our Facebook pedalers group, SixThreeZero Pedalers. You can talk to existing riders before you purchase, ask them questions about any three of these trikes, and get their opinion before you purchase. Once you have yours, post in the group, and make friends. And of course, we have an app too. Track your rides in the app, and compete on the leaderboard, it's tons of fun.

Thanks for sticking around. And don't forget, it's your journey, your experience. Enjoy the ride.


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Expert Electric Trike Selections: Top 3 E-Trikes After Trying 30 - The Ultimate Electric Tricycle Picks (2025)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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