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- Product Details
- Purchase history (1)
- Customer Reviews
- Buyers Q & A (25)
- User name Member Level QuantitySpecificationPurchase Date
- 888****Ordinary12022-03-21 13:38:10
Total 1 Record
- Satisfaction:
No evaluation information
- Message Complaint Inquiry Sale
- Published submit
k***= (Ordinary) 2023-07-30 10:09:47
What is the full price of this unit?
Mall Customer >2023-07-31 08:34:14
Good Day!
Thank you for your message, we will process your concern, rest assured that we will call you as soon as possible.
Thank you and have a nice day!
y***= (Ordinary) 2023-03-31 16:17:50
HM DP pag installment and monthly?
Mall Customer >2023-04-01 16:30:20
Goodafternoon sir/maam, the downpayment and monthly payment is depends on your location po
N***= (Ordinary) 2023-03-31 04:40:50
do you offer buyback? can i sell my ERVS2 back as we no longer needed
Mall Customer >2023-04-01 16:33:23
Goodafternoon Maam/Sir, Our staff will call you and provide the service you needed. Thankyou for visiting our website.
B***= (Ordinary) 2023-03-26 18:07:48
Hi Good Day, How to avail ERVS2 via installment basis?
Mall Customer >2023-03-30 15:46:30
Goodafternoon,Yes our ervs2 is still available via installment po. feel free to inquire in our branches that are near around you. thankyou for visiting our website,have a nice day!!
k***= (Ordinary) 2023-03-24 19:47:05
Available for installment?
Mall Customer >2023-03-25 12:19:46
Goodafternoon Maam/Sir, Our staff will call you and provide the service you needed. Thankyou for visiting our website.
(Ordinary) 2023-03-15 16:54:34
Do you have physical store in paranaque? Do you accept credit card installment?
Mall Customer >2023-03-22 10:01:41
Good morning maam / Sir, Our staff will call you and confirm the service situation , we will try our best to service to you , Thank you for visiting our website. Have a nice day!
4***= (Ordinary) 2023-01-12 16:05:13
how to avail your installment for ERVS2?
Mall Customer >2023-01-15 15:30:32
Goodmorning maam, you can contact us at our mobile phone number 099662456046. Thankyou and Have a nice day!!!
h***= (Ordinary) 2023-01-06 09:34:41
Hi under what category does this trike fall under?
Mall Customer >2023-01-12 10:07:33
Goodafternoon Maam/Sir. Our staff will call you and provide the service. THANKYOU FOR MESSAGING US. Have a nice day!
P***= (Ordinary) 2023-01-05 00:42:06
How to avail the installment for ERVS2?
Mall Customer >2023-01-05 16:56:30
Hello sir, kindly message us po. ito po number namin maam 09662456046
b***= (Ordinary) 2023-01-02 09:50:50
Do you accept installment via credit card?
Mall Customer >2023-01-04 11:02:46
good morning sir☺️☺️ we will call you within 24 hours☺️
Previous Item: NWOW ERV2